“DD Review: Long Beach Dub Allstars – Echo Mountain High.”

Score: 8.5/10 For most of the last 20 years or so, the potential future of the Long Beach Dub Allstars seemed so grim and ill-fated that the announcement of this new album possessed a certain charm, I’d say, for sheer underdog status. Now, this is not to detract from the band’s former output, of which … Read more“DD Review: Long Beach Dub Allstars – Echo Mountain High.”

“DD Review: John Davis – John Davis.”

Score: 8.5/10 At some point Bandcamp needs to really institute the policy that applies to “usernames” — no two can be identical. Anyway, I’m left to gather by all the semi-conclusive evidence on Spotify and Bandy that this is indeed a self-titled debut, from a singer/songwriter in Nashville, who records on four-tracks, and the best … Read more“DD Review: John Davis – John Davis.”

“DD Review: Iggy Pop – EVERY LOSER.”

Score: 4/10 The brand of big, bombastic, fully produced glam-rock to which Iggy Pop seems preternaturally attracted sort of requires an introduction. In interviews, Ig has been effusively derogative of “The ’60s” (in one interview positing one of his main accomplishments as “I helped kill of the sixties”), and has also taken it upon him … Read more“DD Review: Iggy Pop – EVERY LOSER.”

“DD Review: The Black Angels – Wilderness of Mirrors.”

Score: 3/10 Louder than Sound describes Wilderness of Mirrors as “the perfect soundtrack for the end of the world,” which is ironic, seeing as Alex Maas seems to take every opportunity possible to get all lovey-dovey with the kind of nauseating lack of self-consciousness only a Southern good-ol’-boy could probably muster. They claim that the … Read more“DD Review: The Black Angels – Wilderness of Mirrors.”

“DD Review: Destroyer – LABYRINTHITIS.”

Score: 3/10 LABYRINTHITIS certainly wakes on a pretty daze, I’ve gotta admit. The first track is this seven-minute, watery, translucent groove that seems just singularly tranquil and sublime, “It’s in Your Heart Now,” toting with it a multiplicity of synthesizer that gives the song a certain texture and musical depth.  The problems start to arrive, … Read more“DD Review: Destroyer – LABYRINTHITIS.”