“DD Review: Franz Ferdinand – The Human Fear.”

Score: 8.5/10 Franz Ferdinand’s new album The Human Fear came with this tiny little press release, amazingly stripped-down and non-bombastic by this band’s standards. And, really, that’s what this album is like — it’s a pop-rock run-through, though not a terrible one, a reminder that this stuff is pretty much a museum exhibit at this … Read more“DD Review: Franz Ferdinand – The Human Fear.”

“Video Review: 311 – Full Performance (Live from the KROQ Helpful Honda Sound Space)”

Score: ***** Check out a video of the whole, 33-minute video performance here: .. I got the idea to do a post on 311’s live show just randomly today — actually I have a pretty fond memory of seeing them at the 2000 Q101 Jamboree but typically don’t run across too many public accolades of … Read more“Video Review: 311 – Full Performance (Live from the KROQ Helpful Honda Sound Space)”

“DD Review: Camera Obscura – Look to the East, Look to the West.”

Score: 1/10 Camera Obscura were kind of the darlings of the indie scene circa 2007, with their breakthrough LP Let’s Get out of This Country still standing as a classic in cutesy, steel-guitar-laden folk-pop. In fact, this LP helped them score a big deal with Merge Records, judging by the concurrent events.  And that, I … Read more“DD Review: Camera Obscura – Look to the East, Look to the West.”

“DD Review: The Jesus and Mary Chain – Glasgow Eyes.”

Score: 5.5/10 What started out in the 1980s as a half-demented pop foursome in Glasgow He**-bent on making your ears bleed with guitar feedback (infiltrated the mixes on infinitely catchy songs, curiously enough) is now just a duo, composed of original members and blood brothers William and Jim Reid. True to form, Glasgow Eyes is … Read more“DD Review: The Jesus and Mary Chain – Glasgow Eyes.”

“DD Review: The Black Keys – Ohio Players.”

Score: 10/10 One of the heartbreaking things to me about this new Black Keys release, Ohio Players, on which track one is entitled “This is Nowhere”; is that the Black Keys’ place of origin of Akron, Ohio is actually really beautiful. It’s located in Ohio’s Eastern half, among a copious litany of rolling hills and … Read more“DD Review: The Black Keys – Ohio Players.”