“Initial Muse Appendage Extermination: Sorting Ziggy Stardust within the Bowie Cat.”

Nowadays Lester Bangs is really catching on, a trend having started with Almost Famous, which came out I think about 20 years after the rock critic’s death, and continually apparent with his book Mainlines, Blood Feasts and Bad Taste occupying a spot in our public library now. Ziggy Stardust, denounced by Mr. Bangs, was one … Read more“Initial Muse Appendage Extermination: Sorting Ziggy Stardust within the Bowie Cat.”

“Full Up”

Sshhhh… -haaaamphh! I see you Looking at me You’re nothing for self-worth either, Charlie Maybe you’re an old crook Sure, I’ll look for ya My old man’s got a new lawn mower Y-yup He’s gonna su-prise you when he say Either ya eat it or it eats you We’re worse in this life that’s somethin’ … Read more“Full Up”

“Dream Manipulation of the Potential Reality of the Ego in Train (sic)”

I’d always found “Drops of Jupiter” by Train to be one of those songs that you make fun of like it’s your job, but that you really don’t mind hearing, at the end of the day or the beginning. I mean who would get that wound up over a girl? The answer? No one. I … Read more“Dream Manipulation of the Potential Reality of the Ego in Train (sic)”

“Disgusting or Awkward Hip-Hop Lyrics on Otherwise Solid Cuts”

I guess what I’m trying to do here is corroborate what you feel, or have corroborated what I feel, about certain little alienating parts of good rap songs, the fact that they’re bitchin’ being the reason why it matters, and rock or white pop music has moments like this too, see Yo La Tengo’s “Sit … Read more“Disgusting or Awkward Hip-Hop Lyrics on Otherwise Solid Cuts”