“A Car and a Job”

Just as you can hide behind a car, You can hide behind a job Though they’re not yours, There are feet that are attached to you, And though the ground is obsolete, There is some contact there It’s not for us to decide Insofar as any thought can unfurl, Evasion is probably a safer bet

Presence: Led Zeppelin’s Underrated Return to Form”

Led Zeppelin is one of those bands that people will go out of their way to say they DON’T like. It’s almost like disliking them entitles you to some special club of superiority. I love Led Zeppelin, but here are two overrated albums: III and Physical Graffiti. Presence comes right after the bloated Physical Graffiti, … Read morePresence: Led Zeppelin’s Underrated Return to Form”

“Crank in a Capsule: I Wish My Brother George Was Here.”

The word “Heraldo” is always fun to hear, because it almost always refers to the early ’90’s, or happens on an album that was made in the early ’90’s, like 1991’s I Wish My Brother George Was Here by Del the Funkee Homosapien, also sometimes known as Del the Funky Homosapien, and/or Deltron Zero, a … Read more“Crank in a Capsule: I Wish My Brother George Was Here.”

“Street Knowledge Displayed on TV”

This was good to see yesterday — Boamani Jones, one of the newer additions to the best show on television I’ve seen, ESPN’s “Around the Horn,” discussing Vince Young. Apparently the ex-NFL quarterback worked out with his alma mater, Texas, at a skills showcase/televised practice sort of deal. I can’t remember exactly what they called … Read more“Street Knowledge Displayed on TV”