
A lot of life is albumen This is there As a reference for comparing yourself to other people Since life is a competition, At least today in our country, Our sameness is eschewed, And if life is painful It’s because Discovery is painful, As is truth, and As would it be in death

“Middle of Nowhere, Center of Bounce”

The Starlight Mints want to make you uneasy. I doubt they’d make any bones about that. Piling chord upon chord at the introduction of “Coffins ‘r’ Us,” which is nervous-chuckle-inducing enough, given the title, but spooky nonetheless even with just hearing the song as something anonymous, they rage into uncharted territories of the mind’s threshold … Read more“Middle of Nowhere, Center of Bounce”

“Ween and Their ‘Real’ Alternative Viceroys”

The reason I’m writing about these bands is that they’re brilliant, not that they have a certain genre or style. Each one delivers musical statements, though, that are simple and full of the utmost gravity, and they do so, despite using technical means that are unorthodox, in quick, effortless swatches. In their own way, each … Read more“Ween and Their ‘Real’ Alternative Viceroys”

“Video Reviews: Julia Holter – ‘Goddess Eyes II’ and ‘Our Sorrows'”

If I were to sum these two videos up, in introduction, I’d say they each match their subject matter — “Our Sorrows” is somber and empathetic, and “Goddess Eyes II” is humorous. Each video features the musical artist’s face en masse, so inevitably this itself becomes part of the video’s interplay. “Our Sorrows” opens with … Read more“Video Reviews: Julia Holter – ‘Goddess Eyes II’ and ‘Our Sorrows’”