“DD Readers’ Poll Prompt: Rewriting Remember the Titans/Soundtracking the Victory Scene”

Oh lord, nowadays I often find myself at a loss for what to write about in new music. Well, we can always look back, I guess. For this open-forum etch-a-sketch I asked people to provide the perfect background noise for that victory action scene in Remember the Titans, the masterpiece 2000 film about integration in sports. As it stands now, Credence Clearwater Revival’s “Up around the Bend” gets the call, which to be honest although being a great song was a really awkward framer for the particular clip — too final, too paradigmatically reflective. Even though this particular segment of the movie might be a TAD bit predictable (I mean you pretty well assume the team with the black dudes on it is going to win), there is some suspense appeal to the very cinematic outplay, and with this being the case you need music which is tenser, darker, more cloistered, if you will.
DD’s selection:
Godsmack – “Voodoo”
You might think this song is too slow to vibe a heavy-hitting football game, but actually, I was thinking also that they could put in some dramatic slow-motion scenes for some of the bone-crushing hits (he** yeah, scape those racists). Also, since “Voodoo” is not so much a great song overall as it is a great song’s skeleton which is repeated within said song ad nauseam, the visual spectacle of dudes jarring the he** out of each other will step in as some appropriate therapy.
DD’s alternative selection:
Led Zeppelin – “Achilles Last Stand”
This song obviously explains itself: it’s about the vaunted warrior from ancient times, going out to brave the ultimate adversity on “an April morning” (which is curiously also the month that the Civil War both started and ended, in 1861 and 1865, respectively). It’s 10 minutes long, so the screenplay would obviously call for some serious splicing, but those five-bar cut-time blips with the snare hits that start halfway through would be the PERFECT accompaniment for a gut-wrenching tackle. Tennnn-hut!
Email beal.michael@yahoo.com with selections and optional 100-word blurbs to follow. Answers are kept anonymous.

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